Faculty News And Service—Spring 2012
Hearty Hellos
Andrew Lenssen joined Iowa State Oct. 1 as a soybean systems agronomist with teaching, research and extension responsibilities. Lenssen comes to ISU from Sidney, Mont., where he was a research ecologist and lead scientist for USDA dryland research.
Catherine Kling, economics, has been named interim director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development. Kling has served as the division head of CARD ’s Resource and Environmental Policy Division. Kling took over for Bruce Babcock who is now the Cargill Endowed Chair in Energy Economics and director of the Biobased Industry Center.
Angela Laury (’03 animal science, MS ’06 meat science), began work in August as an assistant professor in food science and human nutrition and extension food safety specialist. She works with Iowa producers and manufacturers to promote food safety. Laury completed a doctorate at Texas Tech University in animal science, with an emphasis in food safety and microbiology.
David Krog (‘80 agronomy, MS ‘82 economics, PhD ‘88), former CE O of AgraGate Climate Credits Corp., has been named the inaugural Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Agricultural Entrepreneurship Initiative. Krog will support instruction in an undergraduate economics course, provide mentorship to the initiative’s Student Incubator Program and assist with the Affiliates Program.
Burras Receives Usd A Exce Llence In Teaching Award
Lee Burras (‘81 agronomy, MS ‘84), agronomy professor, received the annual USDA Food and Agricultural Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award on Nov. 13 in San Francisco. The award is based on teaching quality, philosophy and methodology; service to the profession and students; and professional growth and development.
Vanderzanden Named Celt Director
Ann Marie VanDerZanden, horticulture, has been named director of the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Associate director of CELT and its interim director since Aug. 1, VanDerZanden also will serve as codirector of the university’s learning communities program.
Rodermel Fellow Of American Association For Advancement Of Science
Steven Rodermel is one of five from ISU honored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science in February at the association’s annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia. Rodermel, professor of genetics, development and cell biology, was named fellow “for distinguished contributions to the field of photosynthesis, particularly for understanding nuclear-chloroplast genetic coordination, and for university and (National Science Foundation) administrative service.”