Faculty Excellence – Spring 2018

Global and National Recognition for Faculty Excellence

  • Sotirios Archontoulis, assistant professor, agronomy, Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award
  • Tom Baas, professor, animal science, National Pork Board Distinguished Service Award; American Society of Animal Science fellow
  • Donald Beitz, distinguished professor, animal science, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology President’s Award
  • Elizabeth Buffington, extension field specialist, entomology, American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators Distinguished Achievement in Pesticide Safety Education Award
  • Nick Christians, University professor, horticulture, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Colonel John Morley Distinguished Service Award
  • Steven Freeman, professor, agricultural and biosystems engineering, Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering Faculty Excellence Award
  • William Graves, dean, Iowa State University Graduate College and professor, horticulture, American Society for Horticultural Science Outstanding Graduate Educator Award
  • Cynthia Haynes, associate professor, horticulture, American Society for Horticultural Science Outstanding Graduate Educator Award
  • Steven Hoff, professor, agricultural and biosystems engineering, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Engineer of the Year Award
  • Allen Miller, professor, plant pathology and microbiology, American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow
  • John Patience, professor, animal science, American Society of Animal Science Extension Award; JBS United John B. Swisher Annual Leadership Award
  • Michael Retallick, professor and chair, agricultural education and studies, Association for Career and Technical Education Research Distinguished Service Award
  • Max Rothschild, distinguished professor, animal science, National Academy of Inventors fellow
  • Scott Smalley, assistant professor, agricultural education and studies, Association for Career and Technical Education Research Outstanding Young Member Award
  • Stephen Smith, affiliate professor, agronomy, American Seed Trade Association Lifetime Honorary Member Award
  • Amy Toth, associate professor, ecology, evolution and organismal biology, named Fulbright Scholar
  • Ann Marie VanDerZanden, associate provost and professor, horticulture, USDA National Excellence in College and University Teaching Award for Food and Agricultural Science
  • Jonathan Wendel, distinguished professor, ecology, evolution and organismal biology, named Fulbright Scholar
  • Catherine Woteki, APLU Board of Human Sciences Ellen Swallow Richards Public Service Award; USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hall of Fame
  • Curtis Youngs, professor, animal science, American Society of Animal Science Bouffault International Agriculture Award