Iowa Connections: By The Numbers

21,000 College of Agriculture and Life Sciences alumni live in Iowa

Extension-sponsored events attract Iowans for training in agricultural production; food safety and human nutrition; and to improve their families

State total =211,227

Extension works with food manufacturing, farm machinery and equipment manufacturing companies to improve their operations

State total clients served = 130

State total dollar impact = $91,237,017

75% of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences students are from Iowa

97% College of Agriculture and Life Sciences overall placement rate

70% of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences grads stayed in Iowa for first employment experience

Iowa Agriculture:

  • Iowa is second nationally in agriculture exports, valued at more than $7 billion
  • Iowa ranks first in the nation in corn, soybean, pork and egg production
  • Iowa ranks fourth in cattle on feed, eighth in sheep shorn and ninth in turkey
  • Iowa has 11,000+ soil types making up some of the richest, most productive land in the world
  • Iowa produces 25% of the country’s supply of ethanol, twice as much as any other state